by KenH » Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:59 pm
I'd disagree. If it's bad news with no real hope, then the sooner it's out in the open, the better. It's been a feature of the club for a few years now. The directors/owners have known how bad things were, in terms of losses, lower attendances, no money for development of the grounds, no sponsor, etc. but have chosen not only to keep quiet about it, but have actually used a loophole to delay the publication of accounts to keep the situation hidden for longer than is healthy. If they'd been honest a few years ago that losses were out of control and PMG was going to stop bankrolling it, then either other potential buyers may have come forward or there may have been some kind of consortium or even the fans themselves raising money to buy shares etc. Now it's "end game" and there's no time for the fans' trust I wouldn't have thought. It's as if the Board/owners have just carried on with nothing but blind hope that something good would happen. Business isn't like that - you have to manage your business properly. Over three years ago the Board said they had a 3 year plan to make the club break even - this is after they said it would be self-sufficient after the move and Sainsbury money. Anyone know what their "plan" was - nothing actually happened, no changes - so was their plan merely "hope for the best!"