by KenH » Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:03 pm
The loans are from "People" not the office, so repayment is down to what was agreed at the outset, not on whether the person is still a director or not - just resigning as director doesn't write off the loan. There are legal charges in each director's name on Companies House, (which again continue if the person resigns) so the loans will be a preferred creditor, i.e. first dibs, in preference to other creditors such as suppliers, etc. Presumably the assets, i.e. ground, buildings, equipment, etc are valued at more than the loan amounts, so the directors who've lent money will ultimately get their money back when the ground/buildings/equipment are sold. Of course, each person may waive their loan but not sure why they'd do that - if they didn't want it back, they wouldn't have got the amounts secured by a legal charge.