fulwoodshrimp wrote:The standard of refereeing this season has been abysmal with one or two exceptions. I am intrigued what the assessors say to the refs after games. What on earth could the assessor say positively about last night's clueless, incompetent official? What training are referees receiving? How are they recruited? What guidance do they receive? Whatever the answers are to these questions the system is not working and we are producing referees who are clueless and don't seem to understand the game or understand what constitutes a tackle. They seem unable to spot when players are pretending to be injured. Last night's disastrous referee didn't seem to notice a Barrow player going down injured holding his head but then receiving treatment for a supposed leg injury!!! Are these poor performances by the men in black purely incompetence on their part or are some referees encouraged by one means or another to show favouritism to a team? Is the performance of referees monitored and if something suspicious is noticed what is done? It seems looking from the outside that referees are free to be incompetent and biased towards a team without any sanctions or any action to remove them. They seem a little clique where poor performance isn't punished and officials are allowed to continue deciding the results of many games. If this is allowed to continue it will eventually destroy the game. No doubt last night's referee Ben Speedie will be allocated another game on Saturday and be allowed to continue to display his incompetence and ruin another game. Something needs to be done about the appalling standard of refereeing.
Dave (Barra) wrote:Nothing in there about Senior escaping a red? Funny, that.
Mellon, Bloxham and McKiernan weren’t adverse to going down easily either - it’s not just the opposition who try the dark arts, if you actually bother to watch the game.
L2 refs aren’t great but the idea that there’s a conspiracy against Morecambe is twaddle of the highest order.
Keith wrote:Decision our way, Senior should probably have had a second yellow. Very fortunate.
Keith wrote:
Be interesting to see how they come out in the second half and whether Derek will make any changes?
...If Love is fit, then bring him on for Senior, before he gets sent off? He's definitely going if he commits another foul.
CityShrimp wrote:People constantly suggest that ex players should referee. There might be some merit in this but I don’t think people realise how long it takes for referees to ‘climb the ladder’. The young ish refs (20s and 30s) will have started refereeing as kids/young teenagers and it probably takes 10 years + of refereeing at a dire level to work your way up to football league refereeing. If you’re a 37 year old player who has just retired from playing in the NL or EFL, is it attractive to start refereeing on a local park in the dog and duck league, dodging dog shit and being abused for 10 years before you get anywhere near even conference north refereeing? Probably not.
Keith wrote:Dave (Barra) wrote:Nothing in there about Senior escaping a red? Funny, that.
Mellon, Bloxham and McKiernan weren’t adverse to going down easily either - it’s not just the opposition who try the dark arts, if you actually bother to watch the game.
L2 refs aren’t great but the idea that there’s a conspiracy against Morecambe is twaddle of the highest order.
To be fair, in the match thread, I wrote:Keith wrote:Decision our way, Senior should probably have had a second yellow. Very fortunate.Keith wrote:
Be interesting to see how they come out in the second half and whether Derek will make any changes?
...If Love is fit, then bring him on for Senior, before he gets sent off? He's definitely going if he commits another foul.
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