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PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:17 pm
by Heysham Shrimp 51
Have just posted a reply to the Embarassing thread but feel the need to take this further.His complete unprofessionalism with Andreas,twice we heard abusive comments yesterday shows him as a bully as well as someone who comes up with bullshit excuses for misuse of twitter and yes if he wants a go then come and have a discussion Mark!!,he wouldn't give Ellison the abuse he gave Arestidou yesterday no way at all.The lad needs encouragement not berating for every mistake because apart from our keeping coach he is all we have.Why did Jim take his skipper off? 4 at the back at home please Parrish and Edwards in the middle and two attacking full backs,not this uninspiring captain because the young lads will be terrified of making a mistake under his leadership :evil:

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:41 pm
by Christies Child
I'm not sure what the terms of Doyle's loan are but for me we bring him back and play him instead of Hughes who will probably seek pastures new next season....playing Doyle would give him the experience he needs at this stage of his career and to date hasn't done that badly when played. It would also be another example of putting faith in the young blood at the club.

As for Stav, he's like all goalkeepers he has to rely to a certain extent on his defence communicating and encouraging him rather than being abused especially by your club's captain.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:12 pm
by FattyFoulke
Agree with CC. It's time Doyle starts playing regularly at us now.
A few Chorley fans were saying he's far too good for that level, contract up in the summer aswell so it will be interesting to see what happens there.
Pretty sure he's bagged 3 or 4 goals aswell.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:13 pm
by Loyalsupporter
I quite like Arestidou, he does somethings which I wish Roche would do, it is plain to see that the goal keeper regardless of who, is under instruction where to put the ball from goal kicks which really bugs me and many others, 8 out of 10 seem to end up in the other teams possession. Did Baz not have a go at one of our own fans because they shouted at him, seem to recall the reply was something to do with "the instruction was to put the ball in that area". (or words to that effect)

back to Arestidou, it was not only Hughes who was out of order, our own fans one in particular who was shouting abuse at Arestidou too.

might just be me, if you have to criticize - can people not stop and think of the ill effect your having on that individual, do you not want them to win, do you not want them to be mentally strong and try to better themselves. try constructive criticism, encourage people to do better.

you should question your own SUPPORT

end of the day, all these players have been told to do what they do, they get picked by Jim an Ken, if they don't do things how Jim an Ken want it, they don't get picked (surely)

so, question is - why take your frustrations out on the players ?

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:12 pm
by Dysie
I was walking right behind the goal in the Omega when Cambridge scored their 1st goal and thought at least 2 of our defenders plus the goalie could've avoided their player getting his diving header in.. However I duly carried on walking and didn't hear Hughes berate Andreas. If he did as claimed then it's unacceptable and shows, as already said a complete lack of professionalism and leadership...What concerns me more is the amount of people who approach me away from the club to ask why it's so poor down at the Globe, explain why they no longer attend etc and other real 'old school' fans with season tickets that say they won't be renewing. When my Dad, who first took me to the club in a pushchair 52 years ago and still has a season ticket (in Block C - not cheap for a pensioner) hasn't attended the last 3 games by choice, speaks volumes for what's being offered on the pitch by way of entertainment. I fully appreciate we've reached the promised land we all craved for in those dark and shallow humour days we suffered back in the NPL pre the mid to late 80's but let's not return there. If it needs changes at whatever level in the close season so be it. I'm not asking for or expecting promotion but we need more than one or two exciting games a season to get the MFC back and interesting the missing 4/500 we had at Christie prior to the move.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:55 am
by Kendalshrimp
Dysie wrote:I was walking right behind the goal in the Omega when Cambridge scored their 1st goal and thought at least 2 of our defenders plus the goalie could've avoided their player getting his diving header in.. However I duly carried on walking and didn't hear Hughes berate Andreas. If he did as claimed then it's unacceptable and shows, as already said a complete lack of professionalism and leadership...What concerns me more is the amount of people who approach me away from the club to ask why it's so poor down at the Globe, explain why they no longer attend etc and other real 'old school' fans with season tickets that say they won't be renewing. When my Dad, who first took me to the club in a pushchair 52 years ago and still has a season ticket (in Block C - not cheap for a pensioner) hasn't attended the last 3 games by choice, speaks volumes for what's being offered on the pitch by way of entertainment. I fully appreciate we've reached the promised land we all craved for in those dark and shallow humour days we suffered back in the NPL pre the mid to late 80's but let's not return there. If it needs changes at whatever level in the close season so be it. I'm not asking for or expecting promotion but we need more than one or two exciting games a season to get the MFC back and interesting the missing 4/500 we had at Christie prior to the move.

Totally agree with this post. We know we're not Guna run away with the league on our budget it would take a miracle. But what we do need is a big injection in the squad an very quick. If jimbo can't get the players in then it's guna be a painful run in till the end of season !

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:31 pm
by Blackpool Shrimp
Hughes is captain for god sake ... He has every right to berate players

If he does he gets put down if he doesnt people say he doesnt care

Leave the lad alone to do his bloody job to the best of his ability

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:22 pm
by Heysham Shrimp 51
My initial point was his lack or professionalism in the way he abused Arestidou.Screaming youre shite does no one any good especially the younger players and yes they all should be able to take some amount of stick but yell that at Ellison for a miss......I don't think so.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:48 pm
by Ego Tripping
Heysham Shrimp 51 wrote:My initial point was his lack or professionalism in the way he abused Arestidou.Screaming youre shite does no one any good especially the younger players and yes they all should be able to take some amount of stick but yell that at Ellison for a miss......I don't think so.

At what point did he say that?

After the first goal he said (word for word) "Stav! F@&cking tell 'em" pointing at Edwards & Beeley.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:37 pm
by Kendalshrimp
Ego Tripping wrote:
Heysham Shrimp 51 wrote:My initial point was his lack or professionalism in the way he abused Arestidou.Screaming youre shite does no one any good especially the younger players and yes they all should be able to take some amount of stick but yell that at Ellison for a miss......I don't think so.

At what point did he say that?

After the first goal he said (word for word) "Stav! F@&cking tell 'em" pointing at Edwards & Beeley.

He needs to be screaming that them crosses are his ball, harsh on edwards an beeley because it makes it look like there at fault for being so close when really stav should be catching them all day before it even gets to the back post !

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:32 pm
by Now_Then
Mark Hughes has played at a decent level so maybe he expects more from his Goalkeeper. I think its good to have a captain that demands more from the players rather than accept poor performances and not upset individuals. It would be good to see other players showing a bit of passion and aggression instead of rolling over and getting their belly tickled.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:36 pm
by marky
Dysie wrote:I was walking right behind the goal in the Omega when Cambridge scored their 1st goal and thought at least 2 of our defenders plus the goalie could've avoided their player getting his diving header in.. However I duly carried on walking and didn't hear Hughes berate Andreas. If he did as claimed then it's unacceptable and shows, as already said a complete lack of professionalism and leadership...What concerns me more is the amount of people who approach me away from the club to ask why it's so poor down at the Globe, explain why they no longer attend etc and other real 'old school' fans with season tickets that say they won't be renewing. When my Dad, who first took me to the club in a pushchair 52 years ago and still has a season ticket (in Block C - not cheap for a pensioner) hasn't attended the last 3 games by choice, speaks volumes for what's being offered on the pitch by way of entertainment. I fully appreciate we've reached the promised land we all craved for in those dark and shallow humour days we suffered back in the NPL pre the mid to late 80's but let's not return there. If it needs changes at whatever level in the close season so be it. I'm not asking for or expecting promotion but we need more than one or two exciting games a season to get the MFC back and interesting the missing 4/500 we had at Christie prior to the move.

My family rarely attend these days, partly due to costs but also due to the absolute garbage that tends to be served 95% of the time. As you know, they were all season tickets holders for a long time. In my Dad's case decades. It's soul destroying to sit in the PMG and watch a team play for a draw and hope to nick a win. When I think of all the away matches we used to attend. The journeys we made to watch our team. The sheer joy of that fabulous day at Wembley.

It saddens me that my family started to see the trudge to the Globe as a chore; something they were only doing out of habbit. That habbit is now broken and as someone who lives the other side of the country, it does feel like my childhood has somehow disappeared into the distance. I had to force them to go on Boxing Day. It's all very sad and it does have to change. As a player, Hughes is part of the problem. And I have read on this very forum, on countless occasions, the view of the likes of Keith berating fans who have a go at players. The same applies to the players. There are ways of voicing disapproval and it would seem that our captain, on more than one occasion, chooses the wrong one.

As a manager, Jim Bentley has to be told to do something about it or be replaced by someone who will. Football is an entertainment business. If you don't provide it, your custom base will slowly wither away. I know I very rarely post on here these days. I still have push notifications on both the BBC Sport and Sky Football apps and quietly celebrate when we score. I always will I suspect. But if my family no longer wish to go to matches, then it's likely I won't ever do so either.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:54 pm
by broadwayshrimp
marky wrote: Football is an entertainment business.

Sadly it's a results business nowadays. And therein lies the problem.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:07 pm
by Sammy the shrimp
As I have said before. Our players are grown men!! I'm sure they can take a bit of stick from their club captain. I'm also sure they get on great after the game. It's football. Look at the likes of Tony Adams, Roy Keane etc as captains they were aggressive and passionate. Different players have different characters.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:21 pm
by George Dawes
:roll: Some People are missing the point with Hughes, Hughes only seems to pick on his team mates who are mild mannered, and says nothing to Ellison or Roche just to name a few, that to me defines a bully.

Jim Bentley as a player would shout just like Hughes at his team mates, but difference being, jim would often put his arm round others to console them and give them a pick me up, like Gary Hunter on many occasion.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:14 pm
by Little Shrimp
Perhaps Hughes needs chatting to from Jim about the whole captaincy issue.

Aside from that, easily our best defender and it would be very foolish just to get rid of him purely for being a bit mean. I remember watching us against Fleetwood away in the JPT earlier this season when Hughes wasn't playing, and our back line looked utterly clueless. In fact, there first goal was due to a complete lapse in communication between Parrish and Edwards with our defensive line being no where.

As critical as he can be, we really need that extra quality in defence.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:14 pm
by stoyles
Hughes, is a cracking defender but imo a poor choice for captain. He doesn't lead by example and is very quick to barrate and blame others often for his own short comings. I saw him have an aggressive rant at stav earlier in the first half which was totally unnecessary. Also why does he insist on taking the ball of the keeper just to hoof it up field and loose possession. He did this from a free kick on the edge of our box on Saturday when he clearly should have been pushing out and letting stav do his job.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:03 pm
by Matty the Shrimp
I rarely post on here anymore but some fans issue with Hughes is getting to the point where the guy can do no right anymore. We know that the Twitter 'incident' seems slightly dubious and we also know that he can lose his head at times but will you please give the lad a break. He puts in a good shift most weeks and is a very strong communicator.

I'm not entirely sure what Hughes has done wrong in all honesty, he is the captain of a professional football team and is there to give both encouragement and criticism to his teammates. If a player has done wrong he is more than entitled to give said teammate a kick up the backside.

In this case Andreas definitely deserved it, on the first occasion when the ball came in and Edwards headed it backwards into a dangerous area a simple shout from our goalkeeper would have seen the danger pass as Beeley would have cleared the cross with no problem. From what I have seen of Andreas he doesn't communicate with his back-line as much as I would like him to and I'm sure we have all noticed a few goals being conceded due to this lack of communication. (Cambridge's first and Dagenham's second spring to mind.) When we have been used to having superb communicators in net in Roche and Davies it is going to be extremely frustrating for the players in front of Andreas when he appears to keep relatively quiet throughout the game.

Now, if I was Morecambe FC captain when said incidents occurred, I would have reacted in exactly the same way. Why shouldn't Hughes be allowed to give his goalkeeper a severe talking to when he has done wrong? The fact that he is doing shows an awful lot of passion, something I know a lot of you on here are looking for from the team.

As for bullying, what a load of rubbish. We have seen throughout this season Hughes giving his teammates a much needed kick up the arse on several occasions, it just so happened this one was directly in front of the home fans.

Get behind the team, let the captain do his job and lets try and be positive about Hughes for a little while ;)

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:24 pm
by nobbyshrimp
Well said that man :D

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:26 pm
by cragbankshrimp
Absolutely agree with you Matty. Stav was definitely in the wrong and Hughes is without doubt the only player in our "first" eleven with the qualities to be captain.

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:08 pm
by Heysham Shrimp 51
Thank you George Dawes as some on here think his actions are justified.Ego Tripping your comment is spot on apart from that happened at a cross Stav missed prior to the goal,Get your facts right pal.Others heard his comments and were angry at it and word for word it was" your shite" end of.No need, no defence, and he needs to think about how the lad felt.Anyway lets hope we get a result tonight and andreas has a stormer

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:15 pm
by Heysham Shrimp 51
Heysham Shrimp 51 wrote:Thank you George Dawes as some on here think his actions are justified.Ego Tripping your comment is spot on apart from that happened at a cross Stav missed prior to the goal,Get your facts right pal.Others heard his comments and were angry at it and word for word it was" your shite" end of.No need, no defence, and he needs to think about how the lad felt.Anyway lets hope we get a result tonight and andreas has a stormer

And Hughes has a stormer too leading by example :D

Re: Hughes

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:00 pm
by Seasider9601
Christies Child wrote:I'm not sure what the terms of Doyle's loan are

Not in Chorleh's starting XI or even on the bench tonight