Reading the article this individual 'stubbornly refused' to move into the left lane-clear cut.
However I believe a lot of so called 'hoggers' have learnt that middle lane users often refuse to let you out from the left lane, speeding up on occasions to prevent you getting out and a lot of middle lane users seem to refuse to use the fast lane. Its learnt behaviour in some cases because they experience the 'boxing in' effect.
Other trends as I see daily are the 3rd lane hoggers , motorists who just stay put in the 3rd lane and go 90-100 MPH , sometimes using a mobile phone ! Tailgaters are the real a*s*hole* IMO , if I'm in the 3rd lane
overtaking but not going 90 MPH + and you come up 'real' close , lights flashing , I usually give you a big smile
until its safe for me to drop back into the middle lane. I'm not sure on the stats on the main cause of accidents on the motorway but my guess would be high speed is tops.
So, lorry drivers pulling out when they want and middle lane hoggers are a nuisance but there's worse habits in my opinion.