Just put this on Facebook
Well, no where near as hungover as I thought I'd be. Result.
Can we go back to the good old days on Saturday.
Playing top of the league
Lost 7 straight in the league at home
Best player gone
Real chance the players might not be paid on the Friday before
Owners nowhere to be seen?
Old owners done a runner?
Fans discontent
It's cold
It's wet
The beers expensive
You could go on.
On Friday night, let's have an exorcism. Let's get onto the club to open the bar Friday, let's try and get north west tonight down, let's do everything we can on Friday night to create a bit of luck. Wee on the corners of the pitch. Get some religious nut to do something to ward off evil spirits. Plant some 4
Leaf clovers, throw salt over our shoulders, let's just basically HAVE SOME FUN and not let the football spoil a Saturday. I don't care f we lose 8 nil, I care about having a club here.
Then Saturday let's back the lads. Would you give a shit? Club skint, panic every month for your wages, its cold and miserable and every thinks you are Shit and don't care?
Let's get Christie Cat out of the bag, let's have the proverbial disco, let's do that daft arrow thing, any other ideas people have. Let's give the floating fan some entertainment for the 17 quid. We never used to care if we won or lost, we cared whether we competed. Let's show the team we care, and maybe they'll compete. They might not win, you know what, they probably won't. But let's fight, and let's
Smile while we do it.
We should also have more progress on the trust and start the ball really rolling.
BRING ME Sunshine
Let's invoke a bit of our famed spirit for next week