Be honest... if it hadn't been filmed in Morecambe, who'd still be watching it? The plot's got more holes in it than a shrimping net! Latest episode's annoying scenes...
End of previous episode, they find Holly and it is light...
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But start of last night's episode, they bring her out and it is pitch black...
- Screenshot 2019-04-18 at 07.02.09.png (250.88 KiB) Viewed 1123 times
How long does it take to get the child out of there? I can forgive the location mash-ups, it isn't a geography documentary, but getting dark in two minutes? Did they not bother with anyone checking continuity?
That's without more 'technical' stuff... like why would the hospital be doing pregnancy checks on the child? How quickly did they get those blood results back anyway? Why has the bloke with learning disabilities permanently got a blood pressure cuff on his arm? Why would they be examining for signs of rape while making the mother wait outside and not let the missing child be reunited with her family ASAP? I think that would be a Safeguarding issue!
As for the last scene, '
give me your warrant card and go clear your desk'... I know it is a drama, but really??? They could have 'suspended' her in a more realistic way and still had drama, rather than trying to sound like a 1970's American cop show. And why is a Family Liaison Officer so involved in the actual investigation anyway? And... and...
I'll probably watch next week, to see how it finishes, but if it had been set in Scarborough, I'd have given up weeks ago!