O/T Save The Platform petition

O/T Save The Platform petition

Postby redrobo » Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:29 am

https://www.change.org/p/save-the-platf ... igned=true

Everything must be done to Save The Platform so PLEASE sign the above petition.

Thank you.
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Re: O/T Save The Platform petition

Postby Gone_Shrimping » Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:54 pm

The only way for the Platform to be saved is to take it away from the control of politicians and let people who have had real jobs in the real world run it and in that way the Council Tax payers would receive some sort of dividend rather than having to fund it's losses. The Platform needs to be run on a commercial basis by people who know what it is like to make sure there is enough money in the bank on a Friday to pay the staff wages.

From what I can see of local politicians , none of them could run a whelk stall and yet they are put in charge of something like The Platform.

Maybe some of the grant they give to The Dukes could be diverted to The Platform , but the chattering class Lefties in Lancaster wouldn't like that !
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Re: O/T Save The Platform petition

Postby marky No.1 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:02 pm

Gone_Shrimping wrote:none of them could run a whelk stall

Bit harsh on the whelk community :lol:
Enjoy yourself.... It is later than you think
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Re: O/T Save The Platform petition

Postby redrobo » Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:20 pm

Gone_Shrimping wrote:The only way for the Platform to be saved is to take it away from the control of politicians and let people who have had real jobs in the real world run it and in that way the Council Tax payers would receive some sort of dividend rather than having to fund it's losses. The Platform needs to be run on a commercial basis by people who know what it is like to make sure there is enough money in the bank on a Friday to pay the staff wages.

From what I can see of local politicians , none of them could run a whelk stall and yet they are put in charge of something like The Platform.

Maybe some of the grant they give to The Dukes could be diverted to The Platform , but the chattering class Lefties in Lancaster wouldn't like that !

Private enterprise......shhh....wash ya mouth out..... :evil:

Lancaster City Council and its chattering classes would never allow such a thing...despite being so incompetent....but whenever has that stopped them riding rough shod over Morecambe.
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