O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Keith writes:
Well – he had to resign as Prime Minister and then as an MP. His legacy as a statesman is to have gambled his premiership on a referendum – and then lost it. So much for his political instincts and skills as a politician. When I heard that he was going to become our new Foreign Secretary – arguably the third most significant position in any Cabinet – my first thought was this: “Who’s voted for this gentleman?” Answer: nobody has. Aren’t we supposed to live in a democracy? Apparently not. So can I have a Peerage as well please Rishi? I promise not to burble on about `public service’ and how lucky the nation at large is to have me – I just want the huge wads of lovely moolah that go with it....
“Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: ".
David Cameron. May 4th 2015.
So how did that work out then?
Well – he had to resign as Prime Minister and then as an MP. His legacy as a statesman is to have gambled his premiership on a referendum – and then lost it. So much for his political instincts and skills as a politician. When I heard that he was going to become our new Foreign Secretary – arguably the third most significant position in any Cabinet – my first thought was this: “Who’s voted for this gentleman?” Answer: nobody has. Aren’t we supposed to live in a democracy? Apparently not. So can I have a Peerage as well please Rishi? I promise not to burble on about `public service’ and how lucky the nation at large is to have me – I just want the huge wads of lovely moolah that go with it....