Freez wrote:Insert "crap accent" joke here!
Irish fella goes to the doctor's and says. "Dahcter, oive got ten poonds sticking out a ma arse". Doctor gets him to pull his pants down, takes a look and says, "why yes you have old chap" (he was from West Dublin).
He pulls out the tenner and a fiver appears, he pulls that out and a twenty appears (ar we up to a monkey or a pony yet geezer - sorry getting confused) and more notes just keep coming out. "You're a veritable human cashpoint my good man", exclaims the doctor. "Will yus get the feckers out dahctor".
Finally the doctor pulls out a note and no more appears. "Will how much is dare dahcter?". The doctor counts it up and says, "£1,990".
"Ack I knew I wasn't feelin too grand."