Hello all.
I am doing a page in the programme this year called FANS PANEL which asks fans for their views on a number of questions relating to the club. I have numbered the questions in relation to the games we play this year so if you only want to answer the first few for the time being that is fine. There are only 21 questions at this stage because the last few games of the season will throw up a couple more. I need the answers a week or so before the game is played so by Friday for the Blackpool game and a week on Monday for the Portsmouth game.
Email me direct at derekquinn1968@talktalk.net but please include your FULL NAME and not your SVs name if that is OK.
Cheers and hope to hear from you.
Fans panel
1. Most memorable Morecambe moment and why?
2. What was the first Morecambe game you saw??
3. Favourite Morecambe player and why?
4. Worst ever Morecambe player and why?
5. What is your favourite Morecambe kit and why?
6. What is your worst Morecambe kit and why?
7. Best ever Morecambe goal?
8. Most disappointing moment supporting Morecambe?
9. Best away ground visited and why?
10. Worst away ground and why?
11. If you could sign any player for Morecambe who would it be and why?
12. Best ever opposition player and why?
13. Opposing player you love to hate and why?
14. Opposition club you love to hate and why?
15. What is the best thing about being a Morecambe fan?
16. If you had one wish as a Morecambe fan what would it be?
17. Who is your favourite Morecambe goalkeeper and why?
18. Who is your favourite defender and why?
19. Who was your favourite Morecambe midfield player and why?
20. Who is your favourite Morecambe striker and why?
21. If there was one thing you could do to improve the club what would it be?