O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby thedoc » Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:40 am

Keith writes:
“Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: ".
David Cameron. May 4th 2015.
So how did that work out then?

Well – he had to resign as Prime Minister and then as an MP. His legacy as a statesman is to have gambled his premiership on a referendum – and then lost it. So much for his political instincts and skills as a politician. When I heard that he was going to become our new Foreign Secretary – arguably the third most significant position in any Cabinet – my first thought was this: “Who’s voted for this gentleman?” Answer: nobody has. Aren’t we supposed to live in a democracy? Apparently not. So can I have a Peerage as well please Rishi? I promise not to burble on about `public service’ and how lucky the nation at large is to have me – I just want the huge wads of lovely moolah that go with it....
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby KenH » Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:04 am

Rishi didn't want him. It's those with the real power in the Tory party who wanted him, i.e. the puppeteers, not Sunak the puppet. If you think Cameron being Foreign Secretary is bad, wait for the next stage which will be the "people in suits" pulling the strings who oust Sunak and put in Cameron as party leader, as they know he's the only one who has the remotest chance of winning the next GE. There's no way Sunak will still be PM at the next GE. I believe he'll be ousted early in the new year. Foreign Sec is just a temporary job to get him back into Westminster ready for taking over.
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby redrobo » Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:15 pm

....and the alternative would be Starmer :?: .....can't think of anybody worse suited to be a PM.
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby Gone_Shrimping » Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:23 pm

KenH wrote:Rishi didn't want him. It's those with the real power in the Tory party who wanted him, i.e. the puppeteers, not Sunak the puppet. If you think Cameron being Foreign Secretary is bad, wait for the next stage which will be the "people in suits" pulling the strings who oust Sunak and put in Cameron as party leader, as they know he's the only one who has the remotest chance of winning the next GE. There's no way Sunak will still be PM at the next GE. I believe he'll be ousted early in the new year. Foreign Sec is just a temporary job to get him back into Westminster ready for taking over.

My punter bet would be on George Osborne replacing Sunak. Esther McVey is back in favour and her seat is Tatton which used to be George's old seat. A large majority. Send Esther to the Lords , By election in Tatton for George , bingo !
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby Scouseport_Shrimp » Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:46 pm

thedoc wrote:Keith writes:
“Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: ".
David Cameron. May 4th 2015.
So how did that work out then?

Well – he had to resign as Prime Minister and then as an MP. His legacy as a statesman is to have gambled his premiership on a referendum – and then lost it. So much for his political instincts and skills as a politician. When I heard that he was going to become our new Foreign Secretary – arguably the third most significant position in any Cabinet – my first thought was this: “Who’s voted for this gentleman?” Answer: nobody has. Aren’t we supposed to live in a democracy? Apparently not. So can I have a Peerage as well please Rishi? I promise not to burble on about `public service’ and how lucky the nation at large is to have me – I just want the huge wads of lovely moolah that go with it....

Any idea who Liebour have in mind as their Foreign Secretary desig?
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby Zip It Shrimpy » Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:28 am

redrobo wrote:....and the alternative would be Starmer :?: .....can't think of anybody worse suited to be a PM.

There's many far worse options than Starmer, I'd say.

What are your concerns, Neil? His policies, his personality, or his leadership qualities?

Speaking of former Party leaders, did anyone see the interview of Jeremy Corbyn on the release of his new book?
It's well worth a watch.
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby Zip It Shrimpy » Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:32 am

Scouseport_Shrimp wrote:Any idea who Liebour have in mind as their Foreign Secretary desig?

Shadow Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary is David Lammy, a heavyweight politician from the New Labour era.
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby redrobo » Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:54 pm

Zip It Shrimpy wrote:
Scouseport_Shrimp wrote:Any idea who Liebour have in mind as their Foreign Secretary desig?

Shadow Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary is David Lammy, a heavyweight politician from the New Labour era.

G*d help us if he gets any Government job. Like many never answers a question asked of him and is the king of waffle....BUT there are many contenders for his throne.... :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby Keith » Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:27 pm

redrobo wrote:
Zip It Shrimpy wrote:
Scouseport_Shrimp wrote:Any idea who Liebour have in mind as their Foreign Secretary desig?

Shadow Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary is David Lammy, a heavyweight politician from the New Labour era.

G*d help us if he gets any Government job. Like many never answers a question asked of him and is the king of waffle....BUT there are many contenders for his throne.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously? Have you ever watched Prime Minister's Questions? Sunak NEVER answers any questions!

I'd have thought you'd like Starmer, he's almost Braverman level of Tory.
“Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: ".

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So how did that work out then?
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby thedoc » Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:42 am

Keith wrote:
I'd have thought you'd like Starmer, he's almost Braverman level of Tory.

So here's your starter for ten RR: what does our beloved Sir Keir have in common with the lovely Cruella, Queen of Rwanda?

No - not just that they are both reactionary bas**rds without any vestige of humanity or conscience...

Give up? That are both married to Zionist Jews. No wonder Starmer won't call for a ceasefire...
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Re: O/T Lord Snooty - sorry - Cameron

Postby Keith » Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:55 am

thedoc wrote:Keith wrote:
I'd have thought you'd like Starmer, he's almost Braverman level of Tory.

So here's your starter for ten RR: what does our beloved Sir Keir have in common with the lovely Cruella, Queen of Rwanda?

No - not just that they are both reactionary bas**rds without any vestige of humanity or conscience...

Give up? That are both married to Zionist Jews. No wonder Starmer won't call for a ceasefire...

I've stepped away from saying Starmer's wife is Zionist Jew as I wasn't sure, but certainly, she and their children are Jews and he celebrates the Jewish faith. If he didn't think it would damage his election chances, he'd probably convert, a bit like Blair converted to Catholic only after leaving office.
“Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: ".

David Cameron. May 4th 2015.
So how did that work out then?
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