Lets put it behind us and look forward to Saturday

Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby Neil G » Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:51 pm

If mfcboy was bangin' on as much last night as he has been today, I would definately have thrown him out :lol: at the end of the day it's young lads trying to impress eachother, we've all been there, just a shame these days there appears to be a lot more aggression and not enough good punctuation from some fans. As for blaming bad behaviour on drink, well that isn't a good enough excuse in my book, if you can't drink and stay decent then don't drink at all you feggin basterzz or i'll feggin kill yer. :shock:
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby nobbyshrimp » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:00 pm

I can't help myself getting drawn back into this. Numerous times during this thread a number of you have stated, 'and there wasn't too much swearing either' or similar to this, implying that this makes it ok then because its football and thats what you do. Wrong!! Its a football game and you shout, you sing, you generally make some noise and enjoy yourself getting behind your team but as soon as you start swearing its a type of abuse that some people take offence too and some can see as threatening behaviour and I agree with them. Trust me when I say I can swear better than most and its not something I'm proud of and I blame the type of job I have (but I'm not going into that), but I never ever swear at football or in a public place and it really frustrates me when football fans do without a care for the kids in the immediate area. If you have to act like cattle may I suggest you go to a pig farm and have a good grunt :!:
This is all we needed after we beat all other league football clubs to the number 1 spot in being the most liked club. Wonder if Forest voted for us and if so wished they hadn't?
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:03 pm

nobbyshrimp wrote:I can't help myself getting drawn back into this. Numerous times during this thread a number of you have stated, 'and there wasn't too much swearing either' or similar to this, implying that this makes it ok then because its football and thats what you do. Wrong!! Its a football game and you shout, you sing, you generally make some noise and enjoy yourself getting behind your team but as soon as you start swearing its a type of abuse that some people take offence too and some can see as threatening behaviour and I agree with them. Trust me when I say I can swear better than most and its not something I'm proud of and I blame the type of job I have (but I'm not going into that), but I never ever swear at football or in a public place and it really frustrates me when football fans do without a care for the kids in the immediate area.
If you have to act like cattle may I suggest you go to a pig farm and have a good grunt :!:
This is all we needed after we beat all other league football clubs to the number 1 spot in being the most liked club. Wonder if Forest voted for us and if so wished they hadn't?

:lol: I did not swear really so it doesent really matter to me am just going to ''shut up'' or come out with things that are positive or make sense.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby Bare Ben » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:09 pm

mfcboy wrote:
nobbyshrimp wrote:I can't help myself getting drawn back into this. Numerous times during this thread a number of you have stated, 'and there wasn't too much swearing either' or similar to this, implying that this makes it ok then because its football and thats what you do. Wrong!! Its a football game and you shout, you sing, you generally make some noise and enjoy yourself getting behind your team but as soon as you start swearing its a type of abuse that some people take offence too and some can see as threatening behaviour and I agree with them. Trust me when I say I can swear better than most and its not something I'm proud of and I blame the type of job I have (but I'm not going into that), but I never ever swear at football or in a public place and it really frustrates me when football fans do without a care for the kids in the immediate area.
If you have to act like cattle may I suggest you go to a pig farm and have a good grunt :!:
This is all we needed after we beat all other league football clubs to the number 1 spot in being the most liked club. Wonder if Forest voted for us and if so wished they hadn't?

:lol: I did not swear really so it doesent really matter to me am just going to ''shut up'' or come out with things that are positive or make sense.

Thank God
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby DYN6MITE66 » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:37 pm

North Stand Shrimp wrote:Last night was the first Morecambe game I've ever been to where I was embarrassed by our own supporters.

For the first half we sat right in front of the group of young ones to soak up a bit of atmosphere and join in with the singing. Big mistake!
At first, singing "stand up if you love Morecambe" when the stewards were asking us to sit down was pretty funny and I'm all for a bit of light humoured cheekyness, but then it got rediculous.
The foul language that came from some of the druken teenagers behind us just crossed the line. swearing, druken, angry looking kids is not the image we want to be promoting!
For the second half we decided to move to the other side and enjoy watching the game without being swarmed all over by the stewards and putting up with foul and abusive language from our own support. Unfortunately some of the young lads were moved next to us by the stewards and continued to swear and act lairy, but this time it was in front of kids, setting a really good example for our next generation of supporters! i think not.
When challenged by us they said "we're just supporting our club" , since when was disrespecting stewards, swearing and angry drunkeness supporting your club! for large parts of the game last night they weren't even watching the match, they were more interested in goeding the stewards and making a nuisence of themselves.

This, in the week we are voted most friendly fans and only a couple of weeks after signing an FA initiative to stop swearing throughout our ground.

As for the "catchy" have some have put it, sex pistols/anarchy song, it sounds crap and slightly sinister, almost like the "no surrender" of the hooligan days. We have Bring me sunshine, but even that was sung at double time and completely ruined it.

I sincerely hope that this was a one off performance by these teenagers simply due to a drink fuelled afternoon on a certain coach.

:x :x Rant over....

Thats been the same for the past few seasons on away games, thats what happens, we were voted the most liked team because we have character and buzz with adrenalin never mind make a hell of a noise. I dont think people would notice us if we all brought our slippers and flat cap pal.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby slackAlice » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:44 pm

At least one Forest fan was sufficiently impressed with the Morecambe support to post this on 606:

It's worth mentioning the Morecambe fans too who were great on the night & sang from the first minute to the last (including a brilliant rendition of 'Trent End, Give us a song') & they have a lot to be pleased with.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A39565399 for full report.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:46 pm

DYN6MITE66 wrote:
North Stand Shrimp wrote:Last night was the first Morecambe game I've ever been to where I was embarrassed by our own supporters.

For the first half we sat right in front of the group of young ones to soak up a bit of atmosphere and join in with the singing. Big mistake!
At first, singing "stand up if you love Morecambe" when the stewards were asking us to sit down was pretty funny and I'm all for a bit of light humoured cheekyness, but then it got rediculous.
The foul language that came from some of the druken teenagers behind us just crossed the line. swearing, druken, angry looking kids is not the image we want to be promoting!
For the second half we decided to move to the other side and enjoy watching the game without being swarmed all over by the stewards and putting up with foul and abusive language from our own support. Unfortunately some of the young lads were moved next to us by the stewards and continued to swear and act lairy, but this time it was in front of kids, setting a really good example for our next generation of supporters! i think not.
When challenged by us they said "we're just supporting our club" , since when was disrespecting stewards, swearing and angry drunkeness supporting your club! for large parts of the game last night they weren't even watching the match, they were more interested in goeding the stewards and making a nuisence of themselves.

This, in the week we are voted most friendly fans and only a couple of weeks after signing an FA initiative to stop swearing throughout our ground.

As for the "catchy" have some have put it, sex pistols/anarchy song, it sounds crap and slightly sinister, almost like the "no surrender" of the hooligan days. We have Bring me sunshine, but even that was sung at double time and completely ruined it.

I sincerely hope that this was a one off performance by these teenagers simply due to a drink fuelled afternoon on a certain coach.

:x :x Rant over....

Thats been the same for the past few seasons on away games, thats what happens, we were voted the most liked team because we have character and buzz with adrenalin never mind make a hell of a noise. I dont think people would notice us if we all brought our slippers and flat cap pal.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:50 pm

slackAlice wrote:At least one Forest fan was sufficiently impressed with the Morecambe support to post this on 606:

It's worth mentioning the Morecambe fans too who were great on the night & sang from the first minute to the last (including a brilliant rendition of 'Trent End, Give us a song') & they have a lot to be pleased with.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A39565399 for full report.

Thats brilliant it did pay off in the end with our big mouths!!!
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby billybonz » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:51 pm

If there had been no stewards there nothing would have happened! Did they think these youngsters were about to storm the forest end! It was ridiculous by the stewards and one of the stupidest things I've seen at a football match! Kicked out for standing up and singing, that'll be why none of the forest fans got kicked out!
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:55 pm

billybonz wrote:If there had been no stewards there nothing would have happened! Did they think these youngsters were about to storm the forest end! It was ridiculous by the stewards and one of the stupidest things I've seen at a football match! Kicked out for standing up and singing, that'll be why none of the forest fans got kicked out!

Atleast some people agree then dont they they must of been very threatened by a bunch of harmful youths
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby SkinnyShrimp » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:59 pm

Maybe we don't all want to be remembered for acting like a bunch of planks and repeatedly singing numpty songs - I'm all for getting behind the team, enjoying banter with the opposing fans and creating an atmosphere but last night IMHO we did ourselves no favours - when will it sink in with our 'fans' that we are not stood on a terrace playing a conference team - this is the league - its higher profile and there are more rules - the rules apply to ALL clubs and I'm sure if those standing up singing had not had one alcopop too many and were not as aggressive - perhaps even supporting the team rather than insulting the opposition and the stewards - the stewards might not have been so touchy.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby campdave » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:04 pm

Regardless of what your opinion of what the rules should be, in my opinion, the stewards are only doing their job. They don't make the rules. Would we treat the stewards at Christie the same as some of our supports occasionally treat stewards at opposition grounds.

I bet the stewards would rather have an easy life and just stand and watch us rather than get involved in confrontations. In all my time watching Morecambe, I've never seen a steward take any action where a rule hasn't been broken by a supporter first. Don't like the rules, don't come to the match.

As for swearing chanting, the club have asked the supporters to create a more family based atmosphere at matches by cutting down swearing. Making no attempt to cut down on your language at a match shows a fair bit of disregard for what the club wants. Whats the point of following a club, if when they ask you to do something, you don't do it?

Can't comment specifically on last night as I wasn't there, my comments are based in general.

Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby slackAlice » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:06 pm

billybonz wrote:If there had been no stewards there nothing would have happened! Did they think these youngsters were about to storm the forest end! It was ridiculous by the stewards and one of the stupidest things I've seen at a football match! Kicked out for standing up and singing, that'll be why none of the forest fans got kicked out!

If there had been no stewards there something might have happened. You might get the situation of a dozen fans full of ale thinking they could do and say what they want i.e 'getting out of hand'
What might have happened is fellow supporters getting sick of it and taking matters in to hand OR the police wading in and cracking heads - thats when the fun can really start - and it won't be a ticking off from som ol fella in his 60's neither. The stewards tend to be the softer side of 'policing' at football matches and at most grounds a smallish group of away supporters like Morecambe will be made to sit down when there told too. Its slightly more problematic if you've got say '6000 Newcastle UTD supporters at Blackburn who stand en masse and refuse to sit down' - but they won't shout abuse at stewards they just smile ! :)
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby The Red Knight » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:10 pm

billybonz wrote:Kicked out for standing up and singing, that'll be why none of the forest fans got kicked out!

The singing isn't the problem. It's the standing up whilst doing it and refusing to sit down when told is what results in you getting thrown out.

If you were sat down whilst singing the exact same chants they wouldn't have had a problem.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:12 pm

lets delete this topic
Last edited by mfcboy on Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby campdave » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:29 pm

mfcboy wrote:So we do sammy macs barmy army and brake the chairs instead dont think so

You're missing the point. It's not your choice.

Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game ,so did the stewards?

Postby morecambetillidie08 » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:31 pm

yeah i agree with u mate,the youths were drunk and boistorous and noisy,but the Nottingham Forest stewards were just petty,i mean there was forest fans stood up for most of the match,and they never even bothered to eject them or ask them2 sit down.They spoilt the atmosphere of a good Carling Cup game.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:32 pm

I no its not but if we fort of it that way if we broke the seats we would be payiing for them wouldent we ?!
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby MTID » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:36 pm

You can create a atmosphere sat on your seat.

Trent end give us a song, trent end trent end give us a song!
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:38 pm

Whatever who cares now game was over long while ago so it doesent really matter !!
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby Currey » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:54 pm

To be honest this "certain" coach you speak of set a clear message form the start that there will be no trouble and I would like to say in my opinion there way no real trouble from us. Also the people causing the trouble we didnt even want them opn the coach and we nmade this clear from the off
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby Why no t » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:00 pm

mfcboy wrote:So we do sammy macs barmy army and brake the chairs instead dont think so

What planet are you on?

Still on the planet numpty from last night eh?

If you're going to say stupid things maybe..... actually, I shall refrain.

No I won't.

The drunken youths standing up and being aggressive last night were embarrasing to say the least.

It was mentioned today on this forum that the rest of the fans were not singing. I can only think it was because they didn't want to sing aggressive songs or they did not want to join in with the (mostly) youths to our left.

And by the way, we were singing.

Maybe you were too busy arguing with stewards to notice. :lol:

Not to sure about the last bit. :lol:
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby mfcboy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:02 pm

NO i was not argueing with the stewards and they was not really aggresive can we delete this topic because its silly!.
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby John L » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:13 pm

mfcboy wrote:NO i was not argueing with the stewards and they was not really aggresive can we delete this topic because its silly!.

You're the one who helped this thread become what it is! Are you feeling remorseful about what you've said, so you want us all to forget it all? To me, this thread shows that a certain element of our post-Wembley support need to tone down their attitude and show some respect to their fellow supporters who've been actively following our team for years, eh? ;)
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Re: Drunken youths spoilt the game....

Postby campdave » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:14 pm

mfcboy wrote:NO i was not argueing with the stewards and they was not really aggresive can we delete this topic because its silly!.

Moderators don't delete threads just because they're silly, otherwise there would hardly be any posts at all.


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