clean air

Re: clean air

Postby outsider » Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:55 pm

Bare Ben wrote:I'll say it again, everyone is either for or against, this argument will not be resolved until they find some way to make everyone happy.

so some want Adams and some want Howard............................ :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

sorry wrong thread :roll:
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Re: clean air

Postby Bare Ben » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:06 pm

Brian, I am just venting my frustration. I do not want to get into a slanging match with non-smokers or the LCC nor do I want to get back into the stewarding argument. I wasn't aware of the fact that council were responsible for the FOOTBALL LEAGUE RULE on smoking and think that maybe the root of the problem. By that I mean it should not be one rule for one...etc.
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Re: clean air

Postby Phoenix » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:09 pm

The league make the rules, the county council interpret & apply them.

Re: clean air

Postby MTID » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:30 pm

Im a non smoker and dont like smoking. But im not arsed if you want a sneaky fag, it doesnt bother me, i dont get worked up and start crying, ill still sleep tonight. Goodnight.
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Re: clean air

Postby Phoenix » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:41 pm

I put up with smokers, my girlfriend smoked until she gave up last summer. What I've never liked is walking through a wall of smoke to get somewhere. The worst has to be buildings that put up cigeratte bins outside the front doors, intended for people to put their cigarette out as they enter but in reality they become a gathering point for smokers. At work it took several complaints about council staff smoking in the office doorway stood next to the no-smoking sign before anything was done. It lasted a week before they came back and they're still there - in the meantime we moved office.

My other pet hate are drivers that use wheelchair drops in pavements to park on the pavement outside a shop. Having to manoeuvre down christie avenue at least daily, one corner shop is notoriously bad.

Re: clean air

Postby Voice at the back » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:31 am

God I'm bored!!

I suspect that after all this debate (A mass one at that :lol: ) on here the club will have picked up on this and there will be no one smoking at the next home game.

Apart from our team that is :D
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Re: clean air

Postby Posh » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:59 am

Phoenix wrote:The league make the rules, the county council interpret & apply them.

To be pedantic I'm fairly certain it's Lancaster City Council's responsibility and not the County Council.

To be very pedantic it is not against the law but only because their is no case law. The law is vague over the definitions that would apply to football grounds (compare Holker Street to Old Trafford for example) so the Football League have created a rule that covers their interpretation of the law, i.e. no smoking inside grounds. As a result, rather than alienate a few people addicted to the cancer stick, a few clubs let people out of the ground or define an area as being 'outside the ground' to get round the rule. I'd be pretty certain though if you smoked a cigarette at the back of the North Stand then that would be a breach of the law.

To be massively pedantic. It's a parliament of rooks not a flock of rooks.

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Re: clean air

Postby shrimper » Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:12 pm

Posh wrote:[aTo be gargantuanly pedantic. Tomatoes are neither a vegetable or a fruit they are in fact a sub-species of dolphin.

Nonsense. I think you are porpoisely trying to confuse people.
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Re: clean air

Postby marky No.1 » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:15 pm

.... yes very shellfish!
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Re: clean air

Postby Phoenix » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:52 pm

To be pedantic I'm fairly certain it's Lancaster City Council's responsibility and not the County Council.

To be titaniumally pedantic, I remember the conversation well because the smokers were hiding behind our tardis at the time. There's also a debate as to what time the ban kicks in and ends because it only applies during a match. At other times you can smoke in the ground.

Re: clean air

Postby Christies Child » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:06 pm

Phoenix wrote:
To be pedantic I'm fairly certain it's Lancaster City Council's responsibility and not the County Council.

To be titaniumally pedantic, I remember the conversation well because the smokers were hiding behind our tardis at the time. There's also a debate as to what time the ban kicks in and ends because it only applies during a match. At other times you can smoke in the ground.

...aye, but what happens when it's half time? Does that imply that smokers can only enjoy half a smoke?

Boy, this is really serious stuff...... :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: clean air

Postby Phoenix » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:10 pm

A match isn't just for 90 minutes, it's for life. Oops, sorry, wrong time of year. The "match" lasts as long as stewards are on duty, or something like that.

Re: clean air

Postby Christies Child » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:15 pm

Phoenix wrote:A match isn't just for 90 minutes, it's for life. Oops, sorry, wrong time of year. The "match" lasts as long as stewards are on duty, or something like that.

..aye..but a match is split into 2 portions, each circa 45 minutes. What about the bit in the middle. If the stewards are only on duty during the match, does that mean that when there's nothing happening on the pitch that they are not on duty?

Tricky one this!
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Re: clean air

Postby Phoenix » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:19 pm

If you split a match in 2, it's usually only about a half inch each way. Unless you use Cooks matches of course.

Getting trickier every minute this one :lol:

Re: clean air

Postby parceldave » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:22 pm

Phoenix wrote:I put up with smokers, my girlfriend smoked until she gave up last summer. What I've never liked is walking through a wall of smoke to get somewhere. The worst has to be buildings that put up cigeratte bins outside the front doors, intended for people to put their cigarette out as they enter but in reality they become a gathering point for smokers. At work it took several complaints about council staff smoking in the office doorway stood next to the no-smoking sign before anything was done. It lasted a week before they came back and they're still there - in the meantime we moved office.

My other pet hate are drivers that use wheelchair drops in pavements to park on the pavement outside a shop. Having to manoeuvre down christie avenue at least daily, one corner shop is notoriously bad.

They,ve probably just nipped into the shop for a packet of fags :D
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Re: clean air

Postby marky No.1 » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:30 pm

Phoenix wrote:If you split a match in 2, it's usually only about a half inch each way. Unless you use Cooks matches of course.

Getting trickier every minute this one :lol:

I bet this man would have had the answer

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Re: clean air

Postby Christies Child » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:40 pm

Too intelligent a debate for me.

I'm out of here!

:oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: clean air

Postby Curly » Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:15 pm

1953 wrote:The stewards cant do anything about the fumes from the main road etc . You're obviously missing the point that certain people seem to ignore rules and laws(i assume from your pathetic reply that you are in that category).

Actually, I've never smoked at Christie Park since the no smoking ban was put in place, I respect the rules but still think its overkill as smokers are in effect in the open air at the ground.
The fact that you assumed I do smoke there speaks volumes. :roll:

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Re: clean air

Postby Shire Shrimp » Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:59 am

I have a simple solution to suit all... everyones a winner:

All these balloons... make sure each smoker is given a handful when they enter the ground... when someone wishes to have a crafty cigarette behind the stand at half time they simply exhale into the balloon! No one has to walk through a blanket of smoke because it is contained within the balloon AND we have plenty more inflated balloons for the second half. :lol:

Just dont pop them until full time!!!
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Re: clean air

Postby North Stand Shrimp » Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:48 am

I think a smoking area, where the smokers aren't affecting the non smokers would be a good comprimise, but the area would have to be away from any amenaties like toilets etc.
I'm a non smoker so I wouldn't appreciate smoke wafting into my face but if you want to slowly kill yourself then go ahead, just not near me please.
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Re: clean air

Postby PottedShrimp » Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:10 am

Never smoked a fag in my life, but I do wish the antismoking zealots would get a life.... We've more to worry about on the pitch at the moment
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Re: clean air

Postby Neil G » Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:14 pm

I don't want any smelly smokers near me :twisted: I've just had to give up so nobody should be enjoying cigarettes :lol:
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Re: clean air

Postby heysham_mfc » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:48 pm

they could put a smoking shelter behind the north stand away from the toliets and the bar that waky none of the none-smokers would be effected
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Re: clean air

Postby Number 1 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:13 pm

There are 1440 minutes in a day. Asking people not to smoke for around 120 of them isn't such a big ask is it? They do afterall have about 92% of their day to smoke their heads off the rest of the time.

Why do the majority have to made provisions for the selfish minority?

Supposing a portion of the crowd were naturists, would you allow them to have a section where they can watch the game free from clothing?

Or why not even introduce a swearing section, or a drinking section, where a group could get pissed and shout obscenities in their own little corner?
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Re: clean air

Postby Phoenix » Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:17 pm

would you allow them to have a section where they can watch the game free from clothing?

Licensed photographer has it's benefits some days :lol: :lol: :lol:


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