Bare Ben wrote:I'll say it again, everyone is either for or against, this argument will not be resolved until they find some way to make everyone happy.
so some want Adams and some want Howard............................

sorry wrong thread

Bare Ben wrote:I'll say it again, everyone is either for or against, this argument will not be resolved until they find some way to make everyone happy.
Phoenix wrote:The league make the rules, the county council interpret & apply them.
Posh wrote:[aTo be gargantuanly pedantic. Tomatoes are neither a vegetable or a fruit they are in fact a sub-species of dolphin.
To be pedantic I'm fairly certain it's Lancaster City Council's responsibility and not the County Council.
Phoenix wrote:To be pedantic I'm fairly certain it's Lancaster City Council's responsibility and not the County Council.
To be titaniumally pedantic, I remember the conversation well because the smokers were hiding behind our tardis at the time. There's also a debate as to what time the ban kicks in and ends because it only applies during a match. At other times you can smoke in the ground.
Phoenix wrote:A match isn't just for 90 minutes, it's for life. Oops, sorry, wrong time of year. The "match" lasts as long as stewards are on duty, or something like that.
Phoenix wrote:I put up with smokers, my girlfriend smoked until she gave up last summer. What I've never liked is walking through a wall of smoke to get somewhere. The worst has to be buildings that put up cigeratte bins outside the front doors, intended for people to put their cigarette out as they enter but in reality they become a gathering point for smokers. At work it took several complaints about council staff smoking in the office doorway stood next to the no-smoking sign before anything was done. It lasted a week before they came back and they're still there - in the meantime we moved office.
My other pet hate are drivers that use wheelchair drops in pavements to park on the pavement outside a shop. Having to manoeuvre down christie avenue at least daily, one corner shop is notoriously bad.
Phoenix wrote:If you split a match in 2, it's usually only about a half inch each way. Unless you use Cooks matches of course.
Getting trickier every minute this one
1953 wrote:The stewards cant do anything about the fumes from the main road etc . You're obviously missing the point that certain people seem to ignore rules and laws(i assume from your pathetic reply that you are in that category).
would you allow them to have a section where they can watch the game free from clothing?
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