I feel disapointed =(

I feel disapointed =(

Postby Currey » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:47 pm

As many of you know with wwork commitments I could only make the first game of the season by chance and the rest of the season seems to be a no go area with me and my boss....

The whole "I want Saturdatys off!" debate seems to be going nowhere apart from round in circles :x

Sadly my work life is not what I'm writing about, I would never usually start a thread on SV and will probly get alot of stick for this one but I feel in needs to be said that on Saturday there was no real get up and go and im not talking about from the players this time, I dont know if it is with this new "no swearing" thing that is going around but I felt the North Stand a little quiet which im not used to, it was quite packed at the start of the game but I felt 2nd half and beyond we had groups of people walking out and nobody really sang the whole game apart from a few lads around me, but even then they got mocked by a group of certain people at teh back, who we will probly never see again untill next season.

Not really a rant or anything just want opinions on;

1) What is the reason for shrimps silence?
2) Do you blame the ban?

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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby wijit » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:55 pm

Firstly, I hope you get something sorted out for Saturdays. Secondly the ban-I see no point in having such a ban, speaking as a parent who goes to internationals, premier league and whatever Morecambe games I can get to, I would say there should be a family area. My own choice would be the paddock as this would solve two issues;It is far enough from the North Stand where swearing may occur away from small ears, it would also alleviate the recent issues of verbal abuse from certain people in the paddock towards the manager.
It will never satisy everybody, but to just tell people they can't swear is just as bad as saying they can't say anything when things are going badly. We've all heard the "groans" loudly when a move has gone pear-shaped. So long as the swearing isn't of the worst of words it would be petty to try and stop it.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Currey » Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:02 pm

wijit wrote:Firstly, I hope you get something sorted out for Saturdays. Secondly the ban-I see no point in having such a ban, speaking as a parent who goes to internationals, premier league and whatever Morecambe games I can get to, I would say there should be a family area. My own choice would be the paddock as this would solve two issues;It is far enough from the North Stand where swearing may occur away from small ears, it would also alleviate the recent issues of verbal abuse from certain people in the paddock towards the manager.
It will never satisy everybody, but to just tell people they can't swear is just as bad as saying they can't say anything when things are going badly. We've all heard the "groans" loudly when a move has gone pear-shaped. So long as the swearing isn't of the worst of words it would be petty to try and stop it.

Yeh now here is someone after my own heart!!!! :oops:

Dont just tell people they cant do something, come up with a solution that could suit everybody. A brilliant idea. I fully agree and think it wouldn't be a bag suggestion to make. Your never going to get the prem clubs to stop, so I dont feel we should have too I know this makes me seem like a person who is saying "If he isnt doing it why should I have too" but that is how I feel, it is Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal ect that influence it more than Morecambe.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Bare Ben » Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:45 pm

wijit wrote:I see no point in having such a ban, speaking as a parent who goes to internationals, premier league and whatever Morecambe games I can get to, I would say there should be a family area. My own choice would be the paddock as this would solve two issues;It is far enough from the North Stand where swearing may occur away from small ears, it would also alleviate the recent issues of verbal abuse from certain people in the paddock towards the manager.

That is a brilliant idea, I found myself screaming "How the f**k do they expect us not to swear after that!!" as I left the north stand on Saturday :oops:
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby HALMA 1983 » Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:55 pm

The whole things gone way OTT and must agree with Ben, after hearing those little kids over the P.A, I subliminally checked myself from swearing and lost that bit of inner passion that flows during the game, not that I come out with seriously bad language :D
Usually the 'Boll*x come on ref!' or Liner 'can't you run that bloody line properly' shite decision' kind of thing, why try to take away something that's always been there? like smokers there should be an allocated place preferably soundproof for those who don't want to hear anyone else within the ground then others can express themselves as they've always done without worry of running the gauntlet of Big Brother who we seem to be seeing more and more of in our everyday lives.
Last edited by HALMA 1983 on Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby heysham_mfc » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:03 pm

I don't thin people mean to swear we are just so used to doing it when the game is not going our way it just comes out
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby outsider » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:31 pm

just a couple of chants the kids i take use, it might help

he's here, he's there
we're not allowed to swear
Micheal Twiss, Michel Twiss.

Waynaldo oooo
Waynaldo oooo
He plays in red and white,
he's flippin' dynamite

Who's the sausage in the black?
who's the sausage in the black?

can you hear the ??????? sing?
no no
can you hear the ??????? sing
no no
i can't hear anything
oh oh o oh oh o.

hope this helps :lol: :lol:
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Currey » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:42 pm

YeP, so now I have to go a whole season with no football on Saturdays:(

I will not cope.....

If anyone knows the manager of Megazone in Morecambe :D Tell him i should have Saturdays off lol.

I missed it on Saturday I have to say.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Harry » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:21 pm

Ask to do split shifts, work the Saturday morning and night with 2pm-6pm off. That's what I'm doing, I missed last Saturday due to a wedding but I'm not wasting me season ticket.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby North Stand Shrimp » Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:43 am

I have Saturdays off :D

Just thought you might like to know ;) :lol:
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Weetabix Kid » Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:26 am

North Stand Shrimp wrote:I have Saturdays off :D

Just thought you might like to know ;) :lol:

and spend the rest of the week cutting up newspaper to throw in people's pies n gravy
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby North Stand Shrimp » Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:47 am

:oops: :lol:
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Currey » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:25 pm

I tried split shifts idea, tried offering to work everyday every hour and every time possible but still no!!!!

How bad can it be.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby stoyles » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:28 pm

get a new job
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby heysham_mfc » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:33 pm

Weetabix Kid wrote:
North Stand Shrimp wrote:I have Saturdays off :D

Just thought you might like to know ;) :lol:

and spend the rest of the week cutting up newspaper to throw in people's pies n gravy

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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby durianmuncher » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:38 pm

Have to agree too.

Football has traditionally been the sport of the working class and a little bit of choice language was always common and great for getting tension out and helping the atmosphere.

Grounds, not just CP, are going to get quieter and quieter and this is going to turn away more fans. I think some people just want to kill the game off. Who on earth wants to pay a lot of money to watch a game with no chanting at the opposition, partisan joviality and basically no atmosphere apart from a few young young children singing high pitched Sunday school type songs. It's going too far now. It's not a case of wanting a return to war on the terraces, it's simply a case of wanting a decent atmosphere at the stadium and the chance to participate in voice without the fear of being arrested or thrown out.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby heysham_mfc » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:52 pm

durianmuncher wrote:Have to agree too.

Football has traditionally been the sport of the working class and a little bit of choice language was always common and great for getting tension out and helping the atmosphere.

Grounds, not just CP, are going to get quieter and quieter and this is going to turn away more fans. I think some people just want to kill the game off. Who on earth wants to pay a lot of money to watch a game with no chanting at the opposition, partisan joviality and basically no atmosphere apart from a few young young children singing high pitched Sunday school type songs. It's going too far now. It's not a case of wanting a return to war on the terraces, it's simply a case of wanting a decent atmosphere at the stadium and the chance to participate in voice without the fear of being arrested or thrown out.

have to agree with you there
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby HALMA 1983 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:07 pm

durianmuncher wrote:Have to agree too.

Football has traditionally been the sport of the working class and a little bit of choice language was always common and great for getting tension out and helping the atmosphere.

Grounds, not just CP, are going to get quieter and quieter and this is going to turn away more fans. I think some people just want to kill the game off. Who on earth wants to pay a lot of money to watch a game with no chanting at the opposition, partisan joviality and basically no atmosphere apart from a few young young children singing high pitched Sunday school type songs. It's going too far now. It's not a case of wanting a return to war on the terraces, it's simply a case of wanting a decent atmosphere at the stadium and the chance to participate in voice without the fear of being arrested or thrown out.

Brilliant post Durian! (i'd applaud you if there was smiley for it ;0)

Got me thinking, how long will this 'Fad' last? you can bet your bottom dollar the moment it starts to affect the incomes of the clubs it will be reversed over night
It's the biggest load of codswallop thus thought up :roll:
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Number 1 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:49 pm

I couldn't actually make out that kids message over the PA, not sure if anyone else couldn't hear it or not.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby MTID » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:19 pm

durianmuncher wrote:Have to agree too.

Football has traditionally been the sport of the working class and a little bit of choice language was always common and great for getting tension out and helping the atmosphere.

Grounds, not just CP, are going to get quieter and quieter and this is going to turn away more fans. I think some people just want to kill the game off. Who on earth wants to pay a lot of money to watch a game with no chanting at the opposition, partisan joviality and basically no atmosphere apart from a few young young children singing high pitched Sunday school type songs. It's going too far now. It's not a case of wanting a return to war on the terraces, it's simply a case of wanting a decent atmosphere at the stadium and the chance to participate in voice without the fear of being arrested or thrown out.

What he said!

Excellent post.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby wijit » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:43 pm

Can anyone tell me what this "kids message" was, please?
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby HALMA 1983 » Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:39 pm

wijit wrote:Can anyone tell me what this "kids message" was, please?

Best ask the man in the plastic box as he pushes all the buttons, even the Zap on here ;)
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Mark S » Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:36 pm

wijit wrote:Can anyone tell me what this "kids message" was, please?

Best ask the man in the plastic box as he pushes all the buttons, even the Zap on here ;)

Who can you mean? :roll:

" Football is a family sport. Morecambe Football Club asks all fans to respect one another, the players and match officials. Please do not use abusive language at our family club. Enjoy the match!"
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby HALMA 1983 » Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:08 pm

Mark S wrote:
wijit wrote:Can anyone tell me what this "kids message" was, please?

Best ask the man in the plastic box as he pushes all the buttons, even the Zap on here ;)

Who can you mean? :roll:

" Football is a family sport. Morecambe Football Club asks all fans to respect one another, the players and match officials. Please do not use abusive language at our family club. Enjoy the match!"

Cheers Mark, always best to ask the organ grinder and not the Monkey :D
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Sammy h » Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:33 pm

Was that your son Mark?
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