The whole "I want Saturdatys off!" debate seems to be going nowhere apart from round in circles

Sadly my work life is not what I'm writing about, I would never usually start a thread on SV and will probly get alot of stick for this one but I feel in needs to be said that on Saturday there was no real get up and go and im not talking about from the players this time, I dont know if it is with this new "no swearing" thing that is going around but I felt the North Stand a little quiet which im not used to, it was quite packed at the start of the game but I felt 2nd half and beyond we had groups of people walking out and nobody really sang the whole game apart from a few lads around me, but even then they got mocked by a group of certain people at teh back, who we will probly never see again untill next season.
Not really a rant or anything just want opinions on;
1) What is the reason for shrimps silence?
2) Do you blame the ban?