I feel disapointed =(

Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Mark S » Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:37 pm

Sammy h wrote:Was that your son Mark?

Son and Daughter reading alternative lines.

Given very short notice to record it. Given a directive that it had to be children. Luckily I have four to choose from. We recorded it last Friday after practice on Thursday. Only took four attempts.

To be fair the club were given very short notice otherwise it would have been good to have run a competition in the local paper IMO.

Next home match there are recorded messages from Lancaster Rd School asking you messy lot to put your rubbish in the bins! Their idea and a great one.
Mark S
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Curly » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:21 am

Mark S wrote:
Next home match there are recorded messages from Lancaster Rd School asking you messy lot to put your rubbish in the bins! Their idea and a great one.

Great idea, I agree, but at a busy match people can't move about freely without interupting someones view of game. Bins only seem to be of use at half time/full time.
Funny though, if someone smokes in car park, they should be flogged by all accounts,
but if you persist in slowly tarmacing the north stand with used chuddy - thats ok!
Is it because its mainly Nicorette?

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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Aspers » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:31 am

This is what should happen.

After the [quote]" Football is a family sport. Morecambe Football Club asks all fans to respect one another, the players and match officials. Please do not use abusive language at our family club. Enjoy the match!"

Everyone to the tune of Jinglebells should sing

F#$K F*&K F*&K, F&^K F%^K F*&K, F&^K F^&K F^& F^&K F^&K

Thats my ban Sorted :lol: :lol:

I'm only joking honestly, don't do that its my sense of humour. I'm sick etc
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby wijit » Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:51 am

I perfectly understand the reasons for this. But it is getting ridiculous. Yes, people should put litter in bins, yes people should use language that they would be comfortable their own children should hear. But, bearing in mind that swearing has gone on at football since forever, should there not be some onus on parents who take their kids into an area where there are clearly passionate, enthusiastic (and possibly had a drink) individuals? We all know what is going to be said I take my son in the North stand, but close to the bottom, but I know he will hear swear words.
Or are we now going to "nanny up" even more and have the same things coming from loud speakers in the street?
Don't swear, don't drop litter, don't be taller than the bloke behind you, don't demonstrate any displeasure at the teams, perfomance......crikey, I almost pity smokers just now.
Instead of telling folk what not to do why not just let them enjoy it?
I've already come up with one idea which would go a distance to solving this why not try it?
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Mark S » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:22 pm

Just for the record.

The Enjoy The Match inititiative is a Football League Inititiative. I done have any say in any Club decisions.

Its the old 'Just following orders' excuse :D

The litter campiagn is a great one IMO and will be appreciated by the volunteers and Groundstaff.
Mark S
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Phoenix » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:29 pm

The litter campiagn is a great one IMO and will be appreciated by the volunteers and Groundstaff.

Anyone can volunteer, including those that likes tearing up strips of paper. After a Saturday match they clean up on a Monday so if you've got nothing better to do, get yourself down to the ground and give them a hand.

Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby wijit » Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:06 pm

Mark S wrote:Just for the record.

The Enjoy The Match inititiative is a Football League Inititiative. I done have any say in any Club decisions.

Its the old 'Just following orders' excuse :D

The litter campiagn is a great one IMO and will be appreciated by the volunteers and Groundstaff.

Nothing wrong with either in truth mark. We should enjoy the match but we shouls allow people to have expression. It just gets to a point where it annoys more than it solves. My only problem with the litter thing is that if they can't be arsed using bins before, there's no reason they will after. Now, publicly shaming the buggers-that I like. Or paintballing them as they drop, that does it for me too.
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Re: I feel disapointed =(

Postby Mark S » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:53 pm

wijit wrote:
Mark S wrote:Just for the record.

The Enjoy The Match inititiative is a Football League Inititiative. I done have any say in any Club decisions.

Its the old 'Just following orders' excuse :D

The litter campiagn is a great one IMO and will be appreciated by the volunteers and Groundstaff.

Nothing wrong with either in truth mark. We should enjoy the match but we shouls allow people to have expression. It just gets to a point where it annoys more than it solves. My only problem with the litter thing is that if they can't be arsed using bins before, there's no reason they will after. Now, publicly shaming the buggers-that I like. Or paintballing them as they drop, that does it for me too.


If anyone wants to name names of any litter louts, I will get the kids to either give them a name check or dump all the rubbish in their gardens! :lol:
Mark S
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